B2M LIT Assay (Beta-2-Microgloblin)

Intended Use

Good Biotech Corp. Beta2-microglobulin LIT Assay (REF: KT-0202-A) is intended to be used for the quantitative determination of Beta2-microglobulin in human serum and urine by latex particle enhanced immunoturbidimetry (LIT). The measurement of Beta2-microglobulin aids in the diagnosis of renal function such as glomerular and tubular kidney disease. For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.


The one and only IgY-based Human Beta2-microglobulin immunoassay in the world.
Application for general clinical chemistry analyzers.
Ready-to-use reagent.
No sample dilution in ordinary assay range (Serum: 0.1~20 mg/L, Urine: 0.01~8 mg/L).
No Hook effect up to 150 mg/L.