Good Biotech Custom IgY (ΔFc) Depletion Column

 Interested in a custom-made DEPLETION COLUMN?

Good Biotech provides the custom service for Depletion Column. Different kinds of Depletion Methods are available as well as Sample Loading Volume can be customized to meet your specifications. 

Product Name

 Good Biotech Human Albumin/IgG/Transferrin 3 in 1 Depletion Column

Coulmn Type

 Spin column-S

 Spin column-L

 Open column

 LC column

Column Size




 8ml (C10/10)

Depletion Method




Automatic FPLC/LC

Applicable Resin Bed





Sample Loading Volume (can be customized)





Cycle for Use

 10 cycles

 10 cycles

more than 200 cycles

more than 200 cycles

Related Products





  Our Depletion Column are also available in the following formats:

Product Name

Sample Loading Volume

(per 1ml resin bed)

Coulmn Type and

Depletion Method

Good Biotech Human Albumin Depletion Column


Spin Column-S, Spin Column-L, Open Column and LC Column are available to meet your needs

Good Biotech Human IgG Depletion Column


Good Biotech Human Transferrin Depletion Column



Contact us to Customizing your own Depletion Column Today !